Happy 2025!!! May the year be filled with good health, happiness and success.
We are always searching for people to add to the OBN. Let us know if we are missing any of your Pledge Bros or others from your era.
Need to know how to reconnect with this group? Read on...
Ever think back to those days and wonder what happened to (insert name)? Why not reach out to one of your fraternity brothers and reconnect? Everything you need is in this website!
This site has been resurrected thanks to MJ Harness' widow Paula Harness. It takes a team of bros to replace Mike, and
together we can be reached at admin@oldbronetwork.
This new site is interactive so you can post your own blogs, update your own information, contact other bros and more. We
are also open to more ideas. Of course, it will take a login to access the private information.
Your login name will be your Zeta Number and you will be sent an email with a password just for you.
After you have an email, and receive your new password, you can manage your own profile, view the Bro Directory, post a
blog, and view the photo library.
The Old Bro Network team Greg Anicich
Bill Harrison John Kohler Gary Messerotes